Products I Use Everyday

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I’m always trying to improve the quality of products I use in my home and on my body. That doesn’t mean I have things perfect but, over the years, I have made many changes for the better. The less toxic our products, the less burden to our bodies. Our livers can detoxify so much better when they’re not bogged down with added chemicals from things we use every day. I hope this list gives you some ideas and inspiration to make some changes.




Morning Routine

On Days I Wear Makeup:

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Night Routine

Products I Don’t Use Every Day But Use Weekly: 

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*These are really the only foodie things I use on a daily basis.

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(I use the liver pills and the CT Minerals as a multivitamin/mineral.)

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Household Items

Essential oils:


Cleaning Products:

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I hope this helps and gives you some good ideas. I promise to come back and update this post if/when things change.

If you like this list you will LOVE my Master Wellness and Supplement List. It’s my “go-to” source for health and supplement recommendations. You can get that HERE.

