Fit, Content & Abundant


Hello my friend! The other day, I stumbled upon a phrase that resonated deeply: "fit, content, and abundant." This aptly described how I desired to feel and be. It also brought to mind various Biblical verses. Today, I want to share my revelations on how these words can impact your life in light of God's word.


Guarding Our Minds and Hearts


October in the Christian Health Club means delving deep into 'Self-Coaching Christians,' our unique mind management program. Scripture repeatedly highlights the significance of our minds and hearts. Proverbs 4:23 mentions, "More than anything you guard, protect your mind, for life flows from it." Numerous other verses emphasize the importance of aligning our thoughts with Christ's teachings.

The SCC uses a framework called The Model. Borrowed from Life Coach Brooke Castillo, it simplifies how our thoughts lead to feelings, which in turn motivate our actions and define our results. Interestingly, 'fit, content, and abundant' aren't end goals but feelings we experience due to our thoughts. I believe they resonate because they reflect Kingdom living.


Understanding "Fit" in God's Eyes

Typically, "fit" might make you think of a toned physique or strong stamina. But God's perspective is different. The dictionary defines fit as being "acceptable from a particular viewpoint" or "the proper size and shape for." But for whom? God's Word encourages us to offer our bodies as a living sacrifice to glorify Him (Romans 12:1-8). Essentially, true fitness is being fit for God's service. The body you're in right now, regardless of its appearance or health, is what the Kingdom needs.

It's crucial to steer clear from worldly definitions of being "fit" which can lead to negative thought patterns. In God's eyes, we don't need to meet a certain aesthetic standard to serve Him. As 1 Corinthians 9:25 puts it, while athletes may train hard for temporary crowns, we aim for an eternal one. Our primary goal? To cultivate Kingdom thoughts and achieve Kingdom results.


Finding Contentment


The word "content" really struck a chord. The Apostle Paul, during his incarceration, remarked, "I have learned in whatever situation I am to be content." (Phil 4:11-13). How? By managing his thoughts about his circumstances.

Whether it's a number on the scale or a challenging project, our experiences are shaped by our thoughts. External factors, like weight, are neutral. Their significance stems from the thoughts we attach to them. For example, the same weight can evoke feelings of success in one person and disappointment in another.

A crucial lesson here is that contentment isn't based on external conditions but our internal thoughts. Unfortunately, the modern world often measures fitness by superficial standards. But genuine contentment arises from mind peace, not from achieving societal standards. This doesn't equate to complacency but entails a more peaceful journey towards our goals. After all, our thoughts are choices, and we hold the power to shape our experiences.

To illustrate, consider St. Paul's imprisonment. His thoughts of faith led him to feel content, write encouraging letters, and thus fortify God's Kingdom. Imagine if he'd indulged in negative thinking; his entire experience would have differed. We too can steer our mind to remain anchored in God's purpose.


The Quest for Peace in an Upside-Down World


There's no denying that the world today can feel a tad overwhelming. Everywhere we look, whether it's on the news or social media, it seems like a cascade of negativity and uncertainty. Many times, I've asked myself, "What on earth is happening?" But letting myself dive deep into that abyss of despair and hopelessness only strips away my peace. It's a fact, I've distanced myself from the news for years. Yet, snippets still reach me, thanks to social media and my ever-informed husband.

Yet, amidst the chaos, a comforting thought from Cristal, one of our CHC members and a recent podcast guest, helps keep me grounded: "God knew this was going to happen. This is no surprise to God." And indeed, this very notion fills my heart with calmness. Always remember, God’s got this. His plan is good.


Contentment: Holding the Mind in Peace


If you delve into the dictionary definition of contentment, it's described as a "state of mind resulting from satisfaction with present conditions". It's that special sentiment that "holds the mind in peace". Isn't that beautiful? Can we, regardless of our circumstances, truly hold our minds in peace?

It's no cakewalk, especially when we’re bombarded with worldly fears and uncertainties. Yet, as Jesus said,


Abundance: It’s More than Just Money


When you hear the word 'abundance', what springs to mind? Money? Material possessions? It's essential to remember that many around the world may lack material wealth, but they feel incredibly abundant. It’s all about perspective. One might scoff at having $50, while for another, it's a miraculous sum.

Our inherent nature tends to focus on what we don't have, often leading to feelings of scarcity. Distorted thoughts, influenced by worldly perceptions, can create dissatisfaction. But, what if, instead of succumbing to such limiting beliefs, we embraced a mindset of abundance and gratitude? As 2 Corinthians 9:8 beautifully puts it, "God is able to bless you abundantly...".


The Two Sides of a Coin: Contentment and Abundance


There's an intricate relationship between feeling content and abundant. You cannot truly be content if you’re always in a state of want. The Apostle Paul’s words resonate deeply here: "In any and every circumstance, I have learned the secret of facing plenty and hunger, abundance and need. I can do all things through him who strengthens me."

The secret ingredient? Gratitude. The moments I feel most content and abundant are often in the simplest of things: waking my kids, taking a walk, or reading a book before sleeping. It's these moments, the simple acts of life, where I truly feel God's blessings.


Think Differently, Live Differently


Remember, to live differently, you must think differently. Our thoughts and feelings are treasures we must guard. If you wish to delve deeper into this concept, I recommend checking out my blog post: How To Be a Self-Coaching Christian.

Remember that we are all fit for the kingdom and can find contentment in every situation. Know that you are abundant in God’s blessings, even amidst the storms of life.


